Item | Description |
Abs() | Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression. |
Chr() | Converts a numeric ASCII code to a character. |
Exp() | Calculates the value of e raised by an exponent. |
HB_Random() | Generates a random number between two boundaries. |
HB_RandomInt() | Generates a random integer number between two boundaries. |
HB_RandomSeed() | Sets the seed for generating random numbers. |
HexToNum() | Converts a Hex string to a numeric value. |
Int() | Converts a numeric value to an integer. |
LenNum() | Returns the number of characters a numeric value needs for display. |
Log() | Calculates the natural logarithm of a numeric value. |
Max() | Returns the larger value of two Numerics or Dates. |
Min() | Returns the smallerr value of two Numerics or Dates. |
NumToHex() | Converts a numeric value or a pointer to a Hex string. |
Round() | Rounds a numeric value to a specified number of digits |
Sqrt() | Calculates the square root of a positive number |