Item | Description |
GetCurrentThread() | Retrieves the handle of the current thread. |
GetSystemThreadID() | Retrieves the numeric system Thread ID of a thread. |
GetThreadID() | Retrieves the numeric application Thread ID of a thread. |
HbConsoleLock() | Locks the console for the current thread |
HbConsoleUnlock() | Releases the console lock. |
HB_MultiThread() | Checks if an application is created for multi-threading. |
HB_MutexCreate() | Creates a Mutex. |
HB_MutexLock() | Obtains a permanent lock on a Mutex. |
HB_MutexTimeoutLock() | Tries to obtain a lock on a Mutex with timeout. |
HB_MutexTryLock() | Tries to obtain a permanent lock on a Mutex. |
HB_MutexUnlock() | Unlocks a Mutex. |
IsSameThread() | Compares two thread handles. |
IsValidThread() | Checks if an expression is the thread handle of a running thread. |
JoinThread() | Suspends the current thread until a second thread has terminated. |
KillAllThreads() | Kills all running threads except for the main thread. |
KillThread() | Kills a running thread. |
Notify() | Resumes a single thread blocked by a particular Mutex. |
NotifyAll() | Resumes all threads blocked by a particular Mutex. |
SecondsSleep() | Suspends thread execution for a number of seconds. |
StartThread() | Starts a new thread. |
StopThread() | Stops a thread from outside. |
Subscribe() | Subscribes for notifications on a Mutex. |
SubscribeNow() | Subscribes for notifications on a Mutex and discards pending notifications. |
ThreadSleep() | Puts a thread to sleep. |
WaitForThreads() | Suspends the current thread until all other threads have terminated. |