Item | Description |
& (macro operator) | Macro operator (unary): compiles a character string at runtime. |
<|| > | Extended literal code block. |
@() | Function-reference operator (unary): obtains a function pointer. |
Eval() | Evaluates a code block. |
HB_AExpressions() | Parses a character string into an array of macro expressions. |
HB_Exec() | Executes a function, procedure or method from its pointer. |
HB_ExecFromArray() | Executes a function, procedure or method indirectly. |
HB_FuncPtr() | Obtains the pointer to a function or procedure. |
HB_MacroCompile() | Compiles a macro string into a PCode sequence. |
HB_ObjMsgPtr() | Retrieves the pointer to a method. |
HB_SetMacro() | Enables or disables runtime behavior of the macro compiler. |
HB_VMExecute() | Executes a PCode string. |
{|| } | Literal code block. |