Category > CT:NumBits xHarbour Developers Network  

BitToC()Translates bits of an integer to a character string.
Celsius()Converts degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius.
ClearBit()Sets one or more bits of a numeric integer value to 0.
CtoBit()Converts a character string to an integer based on a bit pattern.
CtoF()Converts an 8 byte string to a floating point number.
CtoN()Converts a string of digits to an integer of the specified base.
Exponent()Calculates the exponent of a floating point number.
Fahrenheit()Converts degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit.
FtoC()Converts a floating point number to an 8 byte binary string.
Infinity()Returns the largest number.
IsBit()Checks whether a bit at a specified position is set.
LtoN()Converts a logical value to a numeric value.
Mantissa()Calculates the mantissa of a floating point number.
NtoC()Converts an integer to a string of digits for a specified number base.
NumAND()Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values.
NumAndX()Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values.
NumCount()Installs and/or increments an internal counter value.
NumHigh()Retrieves the high byte of a 16-bit integer.
NumLow()Retrieves the low byte of a 16 bit integer.
NumMirr()Mirrors 8 or 16 bits of a 16-bit integer.
NumMirrX()Mirrors bits of a numeric integer value.
NumNOT()Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value.
NumNotX()Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value.
NumOR()Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values.
NumOrX()Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values.
NumRoL()Rotates bits of a numeric 16-bit integer value to the left.
NumRolX()Rotates bits of a numeric integer value to the left.
NumXOR()Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric 32-bit integer values.
NumXorX()Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric integer values.
SetBit()Sets one or more bits of a numeric integer value to 1.

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