Item | Description |
AddMonth() | Adds or subtracts a number of months to/from a Date value. |
BoM() | Returns the date of the first day of a month. |
BoQ() | Returns the date of the first day of a quarter. |
BoY() | Returns the date of the first day of a year. |
CtoDoW() | Returns the number of a week day from its name. |
CtoMonth() | Returns the number of a month from its name. |
DaysInMonth() | Returns the number of days in a month. |
DaysToMonth() | Returns the number of days from first January to the beginning of a month. |
DMY() | Formats a date as "dd. Month yyyy" |
DoY() | Returns the day number of a Date value in a year. |
EoM() | Returns the date of the last day in a month. |
EoQ() | Returns the date of the last day in a quarter. |
EoY() | Returns the date for the last day of a year. |
IsLeap() | Checks if a Date value belongs to a leap year. |
LastDayoM() | Returns the number of days in a month. |
MDY() | Formats a date as "Month dd, yy". |
MilliSec() | Defines a time delay in milliseconds. |
NtoCDoW() | Converts a numeric week day to its name. |
NtoCMonth() | Converts a numeric month to its name. |
Quarter() | Returns the quarter a date belongs to. |
SecToTime() | Converts numeric seconds into a time formatted character string. |
SetDate() | Changes the system date from a Date value. |
SetNewDate() | Changes the system date from Numeric values. |
SetNewTime() | Changes the system time from Numeric values. |
SetTime() | Changes the system time from a Time string. |
ShowTime() | Displays the system time continuously at a specified screen position. |
TimeToSec() | Calculates the number of seconds since midnight. |
TimeValid() | Checks if a character string is a valid time string. |
WaitPeriod() | Defines a wait period and allows for time controlled loops. |
Week() | Calculates the numeric calendar week from a date. |
WoM() | Calculates the week number in a month. |