Item | Description |
AmPm() | Converts a time string into am/pm format. |
AnsiToHtml() | Inserts HTML character entities into an ANSI text string, |
Asc() | Returns the ASCII code for characters. |
Bin2I() | Converts a signed short binary integer (2 bytes) into a numeric value. |
Bin2L() | Converts a signed long binary integer (4 bytes) into a numeric value. |
Bin2U() | Converts an unsigned long binary integer (4 bytes) into a numeric value. |
Bin2W() | Converts an unsigned short binary integer (2 bytes) into a numeric value. |
CDoW() | Returns the name of a week day from a date. |
Chr() | Converts a numeric ASCII code to a character. |
CMonth() | Returns the name of a month from a date. |
ConvToAnsiCP() | Converts an OEM string to the ANSI character set. |
ConvToOemCP() | Converts an ANSI string to the OEM character set. |
CStr() | Converts a value to a character string. |
CStrToVal() | Converts a character string to a value of specific data type. |
CtoD() | Converts a character string into a Date value |
CtoF() | Converts an 8 byte string to a floating point number. |
CtoT() | Converts a character string into a DateTime value |
DateTime() | Returns the current date and time from the operating system. |
Day() | Extracts the numeric day number from a Date value. |
Descend() | Converts a value for a descending index. |
DoW() | Determines the numeric day of the week from a date. |
DtoC() | Converts a Date value to a character string in SET DATE format. |
DtoR() | Converts an angle from degrees to radians. |
DtoS() | Converts a Date value to a character string in YYYYMMDD format. |
HB_AnsiToOem() | Converts a character string from the ANSI to the OEM character set. |
HB_Crypt() | Encrypts a character string. |
HB_Decode() | Provides a functional equivalent for the DO CASE statement. |
HB_DecodeOrEmpty() | Provides a functional equivalent for the DO CASE statement. |
HB_Decrypt() | Decrypts an encrypted character string. |
HB_DeSerialize() | Converts a binary string back to its original data type. |
HB_OemToAnsi() | Converts a character string from the OEM to the ANSI character set. |
HB_RestoreBlock() | Converts binary information back to a code block. |
HB_SaveBlock() | Utility function for code block serialization. |
HB_Serialize() | Converts an arbitrary value to a binary string. |
HB_ValToStr() | Converts values of simple data types to character string. |
HexToNum() | Converts a Hex string to a numeric value. |
HexToStr() | Converts a Hex encoded character string to an ASCII string. |
Hour() | Extracts the hour from a DateTime value |
HtmlToAnsi() | Converts an HTML formatted text string to the ANSI character set. |
HtmlToOem() | Converts an HTML formatted text string to the OEM character set |
I2Bin() | Converts a numeric value to a signed short binary integer (2 bytes). |
If() | IIf() | Returns the result of an expression based on a logical expression |
L2bin() | Converts a numeric value to a signed long binary integer (4 bytes). |
Minute() | Extracts the minute from a DateTime value |
Month() | Extracts the numeric month number from a Date value. |
NumToHex() | Converts a numeric value or a pointer to a Hex string. |
OemToHtml() | Inserts HTML character entities into an OEM text string. |
PadC() | PadL() | PadR() | Pads values of data type Character, Date and Numeric with a fill character. |
PrgExpToVal() | Converts a character string obtained from ValToPrgExp() back to the original data type. |
SoundEx() | Converts a character string using the Soundex algorithm. |
StoD() | Converts a "yyyymmdd" formatted string to a Date value |
StoT() | Converts a "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc" formatted string to a DateTime value |
Str() | Converts a numeric value to a character string. |
StringToLiteral() | Creates a literal character string from a string. |
StrToHex() | Converts a character string to a Hex string. |
StrZero() | Converts a numeric value to a character string, padded with zeros. |
SX_Decrypt() | Decrypts an encrypted character string. |
SX_DtoP() | Converts a Date value into a 3-byte character string. |
SX_Encrypt() | Encrypts a character string. |
SX_PtoD() | Unpacks a packed 3-byte date value. |
Transform() | Converts values to a PICTURE formatted character string. |
TtoC() | Converts a DateTime value to a character string in SET DATE and SET TIME format. |
TtoS() | Converts a Date value to a character string in YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ccc format. |
U2bin() | Converts a numeric value to an unsigned long binary integer (4 bytes). |
Val() | Convert a character string containing digits to numeric data type |
ValToPrg() | Converts a value to PRG code. |
ValToPrgExp() | Converts a value to a character string holding a macro-expression. |
W2bin() | Converts a numeric value to an unsigned short binary integer (2 bytes). |
Word() | Converts a floating point number to a 32-it integer value. |
Year() | Extracts the numeric year from a Date value |