Item | Description |
BitToC() | Translates bits of an integer to a character string. |
CharAND() | Binary ANDs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharNOT() | Binary NOTs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharOR() | Binary ORs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
CharRLL() | Rotates bits in a character string to the left. |
CharRLR() | Rotates bits in a character string to the right. |
CharSHL() | Shifts bits in a character string to the left. |
CharSHR() | Shifts bits in a character string to the right. |
CharXOR() | Binary XORs the ASCII codes of characters in two strings. |
HB_BitAnd() | Performs a bitwise AND operation with numeric integer values. |
HB_BitIsSet() | Checks if a bit is set in a numeric integer value. |
HB_BitNot() | Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value. |
HB_BitOr() | Performs a bitwise OR operation with numeric integer values. |
HB_BitReset() | Sets a bit in a numeric integer value to 0. |
HB_BitSet() | Sets a bit in a numeric integer value to 1. |
HB_BitShift() | Shifts bits in a numeric integer value. |
HB_BitXOr() | Performs a bitwise XOR operation with numeric integer values. |
NumAND() | Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values. |
NumAndX() | Performs bitwise AND operations for a list of integer values. |
NumNOT() | Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value. |
NumNotX() | Performs a bitwise NOT operation with a numeric integer value. |
NumOR() | Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values. |
NumOrX() | Performs a bitwise OR for a list of integer values. |
NumRoL() | Rotates bits of a numeric 16-bit integer value to the left. |
NumRolX() | Rotates bits of a numeric integer value to the left. |
NumXOR() | Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric 32-bit integer values. |
NumXorX() | Performs a bitwise XOR operation with two numeric integer values. |
SetBit() | Sets one or more bits of a numeric integer value to 1. |